"Struck by Dawn's Light" painting by Kofi Perry

“Struck by Dawn’s Light”, 2024, essence on acrylic primed linen, 30 x 20cm

“Finding the Lost Vault”, 2024, essence on acrylic primed canvas, 100 x 140cm

"The Kiln Master" painting by Kofi Perry

“The Kiln Master”, 2024, essence on acrylic primed canvas, 100 x 140cm

“Inner Vision”, 2024, essence on acrylic primed canvas, 100 x 140cm

"Crown of Mirrors", painting by Kofi Perry

“Crown of Mirrors”, 2024, essence on acrylic primed canvas, 30 x 30cm

"Guarding the Cosmic Tablet" a painting by Kofi Perry

“Guarding the Cosmic Tablet”, 2023, essence on acrylic primed canvas, 40 x 30cm

Caught with Ninth Star's Amulet by Kofi Perry

“Caught with Ninth Star’s Amulet”, 2023, essence on acrylic primed canvas, 30 x 21cm

“A Young Initiate”, 2023, essence on acrylic primed canvas, 30 x 20.5cm